MISION CUMPLIDA Inaugurado el 21 de Junio del 2007 Datos técnicos inherentes al viaducto
• Tiene 22.40 mts de ancho con cuatro (4) canales de circulación que miden 3,6 mts c/u, con sus respectivos hombrillos de 2,4 mts c/u, defensas laterales de 40 cm. c/u y central de 1,20 mts.
• Tiene una longitud de 900 metros, compuesto por siete (7) pilas y siete (7) capiteles, de los cuales 803 mts son de estructura metálica.
• Acero estructural 5.750 ton. y acero de refuerzo (cabillas) 1.800 ton. para un total de 7.550 ton.
• Posee dos (2) estribos llamados: La Guaira y Caracas.
• Asfaltado 3.000 toneladas (aprox.)
• Concreto 12.350 m3.
1 comentarios:
Mr Burrin
Basically the media in Venezuela including some journalists in your country are saying that Americans are pissed with Chavez. NOT SO Congress here is not going to move a finger against Chavez and much less democrats. American overwhemingly approve of the way things are going in Vzla, especially when here, health care cost are sky rocketing and 60 millions of americans dont have health insurance, also the economy is going south in general areas. I had read Noticiero Digital and I get floored when I read the amount of rubbish your journalist are writing about the US Venezuela relations. They are either misinformed (highly) or they are plain stooopid.
Here is a link of a radio program being aired in the US. Great bridge By the way. Keep the blog going.
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